Auto feeder Raw

This script attempts to keep the player fully fed by checking their food level and scanning for food items.

Firstly we find a manipulator or neural interface and error if it is not there.

local modules = peripheral.find("manipulator") or peripheral.find("neuralInterface")
if not modules then
	error("Must have neural interface or manipulator", 0)

We require the entity sensor to get the food levels and the introspection module to access the player’s inventory. We use hasModule to ensure they are both there.

if not modules.hasModule("plethora:sensor") then
	error("The entity sensor is missing", 0)
if not modules.hasModule("plethora:introspection") then
	error("The introspection module is missing", 0)

We’ll want to scan the player’s inventory a lot so we cache it here.

local inv = modules.getInventory()

Instead of rescanning the inventory every time we cache the last slot we ate from. As we haven’t searched for food yet, we’ll just use nil.

local cachedSlot = false

We run this top level loop continuously, checking every 5 seconds to see if the player is hungry. This means we will feed the player pretty quickly after they become hungry.

while true do

We fetch the metadata about the current owner which includes food levels. We run this inner loop whilst the player is hungry to ensure they are fed quickly without a delay (which you would get if this ran in the top loop).

	local data = modules.getMetaOwner()
	while do

We want to find an item that we can eat. Note that this does not search for the most “optimal” piece of food, just the first one it finds.

First we look in the cachedSlot if we have one from before. If it is a food we use it, otherwise we reset the cached slot.

		local item
		if cachedSlot then
			local slotItem = inv.getItem(cachedSlot)
			if slotItem and slotItem.consume then
				item = slotItem
				cachedSlot = nil

If the cached slot didn’t yield any food then scan the reset of the inventory. We use .list() instead of iterating over each slot as this guarentees there will be an item there, making the scanning slightly quicker. If we find a food item then we cache the slot for next time and exit from the loop.

		if not item then
			for slot, meta in pairs(inv.list()) do
				local slotItem = inv.getItem(slot)
				if slotItem and slotItem.consume then
					print("Using food from slot " .. slot)
					item = slotItem
					cachedSlot = slot

If we found food then we eat it and re-run the loop, otherwise we stop scanning this time and allow ourselves to sleep.

		if item then
			print("Cannot find food")

As the hungry flag may have changed we refetch the data and rerun the feeding loop.

		data = modules.getMetaOwner()

The player is now no longer hungry or we have no food so we sleep for a bit.
